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Got a teardown?

Teardowns or redevelopment opportunities come in many forms, they are not necessarily unkept or rundown homes. The value of the real estate is simply in the land.

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The Company was founded in 2001 under the premise that older, mostly obsolete housing stock within established communities would continue to be part of a long term redevelopment trend. Buyers and sellers of real estate which qualifies as "land-valued" or those properties where buyers buy for its potential and opportunity, rather than the housing's current state, are users of the marketplace.


Simple Guide to teardowns

A guide to teardowns, rehab properties, and other opportunities for custom home builders,

The Big Picture

The Decision to Renovate or Teardown

Within the neighborhood renewal process, property owners and investors attempt to reverse the decline in housing stock quality and correct market obsolescence through redevelopment. However, since the existing improvements can be redeveloped either in part (renovations) or in whole (teardowns), a choice must be made between these two processes. While renovations and teardowns have been examined by numerous studies as separate phenomena, this study jointly examines these decisions to provide a better understanding of how and where redevelopment occurs. Notably, the results show support for the notion that renovations and teardowns occur in spatial clusters, but further refine this finding in that they tend to occur in separate spatial clusters. Additionally, the implicit market prices of the structural attributes of properties purchased for major renovations are shown to be equivalent to teardown sales, where the property is valued only for the underlying land.

By Kiplan S. Womack, PhD, Assistant Professor of Finance, Graziadio School of Business, Pepperdine University and Henry J. Munneke, University of Georgia, Department of Insurance, Legal Studies, Real Estate April 10, 2014


Redevelopment opportunities; teardowns, rehabs, new construction "Where the action is" - Active teardown communities

Whether you're looking for rehab property, potential teardown properties, or other development or redevelopment opportunities, is a tremendous resource to find and transact "exclusive" listings held by local real estate brokers and "for sale" property opportunities offered from professionals and private homeowners. The perfect property may be just a few clicks away...